Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010


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untuk pertama kalinye dateng ke acarabeginian yg memang diharuskan untuk tugas kuliah yg dosen tercinta kita suruh ..
untuk pertama kalinye juga ktemu sama mbah ndoro kakung, makasi udee mau foto sama kita2 ndoroooo ..
makasi jg buat mas2 dari blogger cikarang, kita bisa lngsung nnya apa sii tujuan dari acara ini ..
mas2 itu bilang, "kita disini dalam satu tujuan yg sama, mau menyamaratakan tujuan kita sebagai blogger, share2 informasi yg ada .. itu yg ngebuat jd persahabatan"
makasi buat mba fitri, mba wulan makasi banyaaaaaaaaak, bisa tuker2 alamat blog ..

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Hildbrandt Tattoo Training / Apprenticeship DVD

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ada lg nih quote2 dari org2 tattooo

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dibaca yaaaaaa ..
just sgare ajaaaaaa, siapa tau bermanfaat buat smuanyeeeeee ..
thank you guyssssss ..

Quotations about Tattoos

The world is divided into two kinds of people: those who have tattoos, and those who are afraid of people with tattoos. ~Author Unknown

The tattoo attracts and also repels precisely because it is different. ~Margo DeMello, Bodies of Inscription: A Cultural History of the Modern Tattoo Community, 2000

A tattoo is a true poetic creation, and is always more than meets the eye. As a tattoo is grounded on living skin, so its essence emotes a poignancy unique to the mortal human condition. ~V. Vale and Andrea Juno, Modern Primitives

For westerners, the tattoo has always been a metaphor of difference. ~Margo DeMello, Bodies of Inscription: A Cultural History of the Modern Tattoo Community, 2000

There is no "underground" community, no dark den of drunken sailors initiating themselves into manhood via cheap, ill-conceived exercises in bodily perforation; it's just a group of people who delight in using their bodies as billboards. ~Joanne McCubrey, "Walking Art: Tattoos," Mountain Democrat Weekend magazine, 9 February 1990

Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past. ~Jack London

Women, don't get a tattoo. That butterfly looks great on your breast when you're twenty or thirty, but when you get to seventy, it stretches into a condor. ~Billy Elmer

You may lose your most valuable property through misfortune in various ways. You may lose your house, your wife and other treasures. But of your moko, you cannot be deprived except by death. It will be your ornament and companion until your last day. ~Netana Whakaari of Waimana

I always look for a woman who has a tattoo. I see a woman with a tattoo, and I'm thinking, okay, here's a gal who's capable of making a decision she'll regret in the future. ~Richard Jeni

For someone who likes tattoos, the most precious thing is bare skin. ~Cher

Ink to paper is thoughtful
Ink to flesh, hard-core.
If Shakespeare were a tattooist
We'd appreciate body art more.
~Carrie Latet

A man without tattoos is invisible to the Gods. ~Iban Proverb, as quoted on

Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good. ~Author Unknown

You think it, I ink it. ~Saying of tattooists

Tattoo. What a loaded word it is, rife with associations to goons, goofs, bikers, tribal warriors, carnival artists, drunken sailors and floozies. ~Jon Anderson, "Epidermal Dalis," Chicago Tribune, 6 October 1994

Inking without a plan gives Booth freedom to explore the desires of those seated in his chair, he says, to feed off their energy, allowing his clients' demons to help guide the needle. ~Joshua Lipton, about tattoo artist Paul Booth, "Bad Skin," Rolling Stone, 28 March 2002

[P]rimitive tribes were certainly convinced that the spirit, having escaped from the body at death, retained a replica of its earthly tenement. They therefore used tattoo marks as a means of identification in the next world and a passport to future happiness. ~Ronald Scutt

Beauty is skin deep. A tattoo goes all the way to the bone. ~Vince Hemingson

Tattooing is about personalizing the body, making it a true home and fit temple for the spirit that dwells inside it.... Tattooing therefore, is a way of keeping the spiritual and material needs of my body in balance. ~Michelle Delio

Your body is a temple, but how long can you live in the same house before you redecorate? ~Author Unknown

Tattoo the pristine flesh
What is permanent anyway?
This ink only lasts 'til the grave,
Skin and ideas decompose
That which we did compose.
~Corri Alius

And this tattooing had been the work of a departed prophet and seer of his island, who, by those hieroglyphic marks, had written out on his body a complete theory of the heavens and the earth, and a mystical treatise on the art of attaining truth; so that Queequeg in his own proper person was a riddle to unfold; a wondrous work in one volume; but whose mysteries not even himself could read, though his own live heart beat against them; and these mysteries were therefore destined in the end to moulder away with the living parchment whereon they were inscribed, and so be unsolved to the last. ~Herman Melville, Moby-Dick

I want to get a tattoo of myself on my entire body, only two inches taller. ~Steven Wright

Tattoos are like marriage: it's a lifelong commitment, it hurts like hell, and the color fades over time. ~The Quote Garden

We are all tattooed in our cradles with the beliefs of our tribe; the record may seem superficial, but it is indelible. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., The Poet at the Breakfast Table, 1872

Think before you ink! ~Author Unknown

Your necklace may break, the fau tree may burst, but my tattooing is indestructible. It is an everlasting gem that you will take into your grave. ~Verse from a traditional tattoo artist's song, as quoted on, "Skin Stories: The Art and Culture of Polynesian Tattoo," 2003

The perfect tattoo... the one I believe we are all struggling toward... is the one that turned the jackass into a zebra. ~Cliff Raven

The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation. ~James Cook, 1779

Not one great country can be named, from the polar regions in the north to New Zealand in the south, in which the aborigines do not tattoo themselves. ~Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man

When the designs are chosen with care, tattoos have a power and magic all their own. They decorate the body but they also enhance the soul. ~Michelle Delio

Quirky is sexy, like scars or chipped teeth. I also like tattoos - they're rebellious. ~Jennifer Aniston

[A] genuine tattoo.... tells a story. I like stories and tattoos, no matter how well done, and if they don't tell a story that involves you emotionally, then they're just there for decoration, then they're not a valid tattoo. There has to be some emotional appeal or they're not, to my way of thinking, a real tattoo. It tells people what you are and what you believe in, so there's no mistakes. ~Leo, tattooist, 1993, quoted in Margo DeMello, Bodies of Inscription, 2000

dan memang spertinya tattoo itu identik bangeeeet sama yg namanye piercing

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bnyak bangeeeeeet deh yg suka tattoo + piercing .. ini nih contoh2nyaaaaaaa, yg mau nyobaaa pikir2 dulu yaaaaaaaa .. check aje di website ini, ada banyak banget informasi ttg tattoo and piercing yg bakal temen2 dapeeeet .. dijamin KEREEEEEEEEN !!

3D Tattoos Tattoo Pictures Tattoo Gallery Tattoo Designs Flash Body Pier...

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nah ini tips2 dari bnyak2 org yg ngmng

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What to do before getting a Tattoo.
PLEASE: Do not get a tattoo if you are feeling ill. Be sure to wait until you're feeling better before getting that tattoo.

  • Food and rest are important. If you get tattooed on an empty stomach or if you are drunk, it may cause you to feel faint, nauseated, or dizzy.
  • Don't take pain killers like aspirin, ibuprofen, and anesthetics, which may cause increased bleeding or other problems.
  • It is not wise to get tattooed if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • The local department of health in your area can advise you if there is an age limit for getting a tattoo and you will probably need a valid form of identification with you.

How to Take Care of a Tattoo
This is a very important step — take care of your tattoo until it fully heals. Instructions that the studio gives you should be followed when caring for your tattoo so that you heal properly. If you see or feel any signs of infection such as pain, spreading redness, swelling, or drainage of pus, call your doctor.

  • It is advisable to keep a bandage on the area for up to 24 hours.
  • The tattoo artist will probably advise you to avoid touching the tattoo and not to pick at any scabs that form.
  • You will be advised to wash the tattoo with an antibacterial soap (don't use alcohol or peroxide — they'll dry out the tattoo). Using a soft towel to dry the tattoo — just pat it dry and don’t rub.
  • Antibiotic ointment may be advised on the tattoo. It is recommended not to use petroleum jelly!
  • If you have redness or swelling try an ice pack on the area.
  • Keep the tattoo dry until it heals, staying away from pools, hot tubs, or long, hot baths would be best.
  • Your tattoo should be kept out of the sun until it's fully healed.

tips kalo mau tattoo buat smuanyeeeee

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nih kalo elo2 pada ada yg mau tattoooo, gue saranan check2 di fb ini nih ..
nih alamat websitenye!/hendricshinigami

bole tuh di check2, keren2 bangeeeeeeeet ..
dan sudah terbukti ko2 gue tattoo disanaaaaaaa ..

si mama, ibu yg tabu akan tatto gueeeeee

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sok2 an deh baru pulang dari bali, tattoo sana sini .. tdinye si mama sih gak ngoceh2 karna kalo dari bali konon katanye kalo gak tattooan gak gaol ahahahahahahha .. tp gak tau knapa suka banget sama tattoo, emang bner tuh KALO YG DILARANG, LEBIH ENAK
BUAT DILAKUIN !! ahahahhahahah .. trnyata bukan si mama aje yg ngelarang, si EX yg sama2 gue ke bali jg gak bole tattooo ..

andai aje bole tattoo, gue mau bangeeeeeet tattoo di seluruh badan .. EGP kata org deh yg penting si mama setuju dulu .. si papa sii ngebolehin tp kalo udee jd istri org ahahahahahahah ..

pengen banget gue tattoo kaya gini nih

bneran deeeeeh, keren2 banget yg berbau jepang gini ..

aplgi yg ini hadeeeeeeeeeeeh

manteeeeeeep bangeeeeeeeet dah